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Marken Performance Services

A fully equipped licensed shop with over 40 years of combined experience and ample room to comfortably service 5 vehicles. Some of the specialty services include installing ALL parts we sell, engine swaps, welding, tire and rim installation, truck lifting/lowering, custom exhaust and professional ring & pinion installation.

Seeing the need for a Chassis dyno equipped with an Eddy Brake, in 2007 Marken Performance has stepped up and installed one. This also adds another service of custom computer programming for fuel injection. We use SCT for Ford and HP Tuners for GM based. Of course this dyno has the function of measuring torque and horsepower to see what that recently added performance modification has done for you at the rear wheels.


          Hover your Mouse over each Brand for general details, click on Brand for complete details.
   Buy qualifying Air Lift adjustable air spring kit and/or Compressor System, up to $75 ea
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