Shop BD Diesel to get your BD Diesel parts in Canada & USA or phone 1-888-401-1362 (input your vehicle at left)
BD boosts your fuel economy by more than 10% with injecting your fuel earlier in the combustion cycle of your big rig truck. The Econo-Boost module produces 30-35 more horsepower utilizing the same amount of fuel thus reducing your visible smoke, and, at least 65oF cooler EGT’s and 10oF lower coolant temperatures. Simply plug into your CAT or Cummins ISX engines and start saving money!
Part # 1058120 for 2001-2010 ISX Cummins.
Part # 1058100 for Cat: (1998-2004 C10/C12 Non-Acert & 3406E C15/C16 Non-Acert) and 2004-2007 (C11/C13 Acert & C15 Acert Non-DPF)
The Ultra X-Tuner offers even more performance and capabilities. Selectable power gains of 30 hp to 140 hp are possible (depending on application), along with improved fuel economy and better driveability overall. The Ultra X-Tuner simply plugs into the vehicle’s OBD II port, and allows you to read diagnostic codes, recalibrate the speedometer for larger tires, and raise/eliminate the vehicle’s top speed limiter. Plus, you can download the latest calibrations as well as an available data acquisition package from the Internet (most applications).
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