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Driven’s Speed Lube reduces stickiness; Race Wax protects wrapped or painted cars; and Hydraulic Dampening Fluid (HDF) is designed for use in shocks and motorcycle forks. These are all coming in January. Reserve yours thru Marken Performance.
Driven's Speed Lube is perfect for chains, Heim joints, and bearings, but won't make a sticky, dirt-attracting mess. “It doesn’t dry out, or get sticky; it just provides good extreme pressure protection,” says Speed, Jr. “Having the extreme pressure load carrying capabilities are great, but you don’t want it to dry out and get sticky and attract dirt.”
Driven’s Race Wax is a waterless spray cleaner and protectant specifically designed for both paint and wrapped cars, helping extend the life of your finish. You can’t use normal waxes and cleaners on wrapped cars – waxes will kill it, and normal cleaners will leave it dull. You spray this new Race Wax on, and wipe it off. It works on wraps, paint, vinyl, chrome, even windows. It leaves an awesome shine with UV protection.
Driven’s HDF synthetic shock oil will provide consistent damping performance in the most demanding applications, fighting viscosity loss due to heat. “All shocks absorbers need an oil that will provide constant viscosity. All oils get thinner when they get hotter, but some oils will thin out more than others. With a shock, the more the oil thins out, it changes both the rebound and compression force, which changes how the car handles. You don’t want that – you want a very narrow operating range, and the HDF gives you shear stability and low temperature rise during operation. You keep your dampening force consistent throughout the race,” Speed explains.
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