BD Diesel has a self regulating 320 Watt heater to warm up your diesel fuel to prevent gelling. It is compatible with BD Diesel’s: Flow Max, Air Dog and Fass filter assemblies! All kits have the same heater but a different adapter fitting. Additives can work if the fuel is flowing through the filter but keeping the fuel filter heated is the most efficient and reliable way to stay mobile by preventing gelling. Gelling Diesel fuel occurs when temperatures drop and you have the wrong season fuel in your tank.
The heater installs by sandwiching it between the water separator pre-filter and the filter head. Premade wiring harness with sealed electrical connectors for an easy install.
The 3 generic kits are for 2001-2014 Chevy 6.6L. Part # 1050346 is for BD Diesel’s Flow Max. Part # 1050347 is for BD Diesel’s Air Dog. Part # 1050348 is for BD Diesel’s Fass system. There is optional accessories for the 2000-07 Dodge 5.9L, 2007-12 Dodge 6.7L, Ford 2003-10. Call Marken Performance for your application.
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